Moving to Digital Report Cards

Moving to Digital Report Cards
Attention parents & guardians! Our school will be moving to digital report cards this year and will no
longer be sending paper copies home with students. To access your child’s report card, you will need to create an account in the PowerSchool Parent Portal by visiting
If you do not have your child’s “Access ID and Access Password”, please contact the school (Val) before making an account.
If you already have an active account with PowerSchool, you simply need to log in and choose “Report
Cards” on the left-hand side of the screen.
It’s important to note that report cards are not available until the portal is open to parents by the school
and that you cannot access report cards through the PowerSchool mobile app.
For any questions, please reach out to the school office directly.
Our first Report Card will be released November 18th, 2022.